Thursday, June 14, 2007


It has been a while since I updated, things have been crazy. Rhett got really sick Sunday morning around 2 am. He awoke with a fever of 102.9, oxygen saturations only in the mid 80's on 2 liters of oxygen, and a heart rate of 179. (His usually sits around 110.

I gave hime some Tylenol and his fever went down to 99 and he stabalized a bit. He was pretty cross all day Sunday, and we had to keep up on the Tylenol or his fever would spike again. I put him to bed Sunday night around 10 pm. Monday morning around 10 am he still had not woke up, so I called the doctor. We went in, and he was awake a little, but really out of it. His fever was not high, only around 99.3, but he was so lethargic.

We took him to the hospital for a chest x-ray, and he slept through the whole thing. SOOO not like him. I took him home while we waited for the results, and he just laid sprawled out on the living room floor. He woulnd't even move. So I called the doctor back...(Thank you Kelly!!! We love you!!) and we decided that it was best to take him up to Primary's, (Our states childern's hosptial.)

We got up there, and his sats were in the high 80's, no fever, but extremley lethargic. We got back in a room and put him on oxygen, chatted with the ER resident, and were told that we would be admitted to the RTU (Rapid Treatment Unit), overnight for observation. At this point no one could tell us why he had such an increased need for oxygen, other than he had a sore throat.

I asked to speak to the attending ER doc, and him and I negotiated that since I had oxygen at home, that if we could wean him down to 1 liter of oxygen then we could go home. So we sat there for the next four hours slowly turning it down. Finally around 2 am we were able to go home.

Rhett has required oxygen 24/7 since Monday. Today he is doing better, we are trying to wean him down to room air, but he is still borderline on his saturations. They want him above 95 for his heart and lungs, and he is hanging around 95 and 96. He is down to just a half a liter, with saturations around 99. We still don't know exactly what has caused his increased need for oxygen. Other than maybe a virus.

Now he has a funky rash, and I am watching that. It is mostly in his diaper area and torso, but there seems to be a few spots forming around his neck as well. Ah the fun never ends at our house.

Okay, so now for the good news, I have parade pictures!!! We had alot of fun. After the parde on Saturday we headed over to Orem for their SummerFest, and Rhett took second place in their baby contest as well! We did not ride in the parade that night. It would have been too much for Rhett. But we had a great time. I am so lucky to have such a great family!!

Here is the Newspaper photo.....

Some shots of the parade....

Here is Hunter, Rhett, and Chloee. (Dakota was visiting his granparents)

Here is Rhett and I just after they announced that he won second place!

Then we ended the day with a beautiful display of fireworks....


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Wow! He has been a sick little boy! Give him Kisses from me and Gabi!

Anonymous said...

What are those interesting little patches that Rhett wears on the sides of his face?

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy:( I hope he starts feeling better soon and back to his old self. Keep us posted as you can.
We will keep him in our prayers.
Peace Be with you
Kim and Miss T

Kari said...

Pam I hope Rhett is feeling better!! Sounds alot like what Tristan recently had that wound him up in Hospital on Oxygen for 5 days. He had a fever low grade on Tylenol) for over 10 days. Sore Throat and severe difficulties breathing. His sats were 84 awake. I saw the photos of the rash on T21 and thought I'd give you my opinion. It looks like the same type virul rash Tristan also had with all these other symptoms. (does it kinda look like broken blood vessels like peticiae?) I am happy to tell you that Tristan is better. Hope this is all Rhett has too and is feeling better soon!!!

Kari said...

I just wanted to add that I love the photo of you and Rhett together very nice! Hurray on the second place. The parade looks like alot of fun!!

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

I'm so sorry he's been so sick. Poor little guy :( I hope he is on the mend soon. The parade looks wonderful - the photo of the two of you is so great. Congrats on 2nd place Rhett!!

Jodie said...

Poor little Rhett...that kid can't catch a break! I hope he is doing well now. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Sara said...

sorry to hear Rhett has been sick. We go through that with Nathaniel too, he is still on O2 at night...Great pics of the parad, love the fireworks

L. Noelle said...

Well, let's get Rhett all better soon! I bet this was all just one of those "weird" viruses that had to get out of his system! All kids get these things! Best wishes to you.