Friday, November 16, 2007

How Did This Happen Again?????

I swear to you I am not going to that hospital ever again. Every time we go up there we end up with way more than we bargained for.

We went up to see the neurologist right? Well we came home with two surgeries scheduled. Not the type of surgeries that are going to require Rhett to have more scars on his already scar filled little body, but they are scary nonetheless.

The day started out well, the neurologist was very positive, and we do not think there are any lasting damages due to the overdose. He is still getting his gross motor skills up to where he was before the incident, BUT that is getting there. It's just taking time.

However, due to the fact that it was such a traumatic experience and all that jazz, they want to do an MRI. Well normally you can just go in and sedate the little tykes and get the MRI done, in and out in a day.


Rhett has lots of little things going on that make things a little more complicated.

First of all he has severe sleep apnea, (hence the CPAP at night that he wants NOTHING to do with the last month). When one has such issues with oh, not breathing for short periods of time while sleeping, then when you sedate them it becomes much, much worse. So we consult with Rhett's ENT, who has now decided that it is time to address all of Rhett's upper airway issues.

SO....this all means that the MRI will have to be done under general anesthesia. Which in turn means we have to stay at least overnight for observation. Remember what happened LAST time we stayed overnight just for observation ? Yeah, well, let's just say I am a little more than overly anxious about this whole thing.


See, I am getting ahead of myself.....before he can even have the MRI, his ENT wants a look at his upper airways, so we have to have a bronchoscopy done. This way we can diagnose the possible tracheomalacia and subglottic stenosis that they think he has, as well as give the anesthesiologist loads of info on why it is so stinking hard to intubate him in the first place.

This has to be done in the O.R., and is also done under general anesthesia. At that time they will also have a look at his ears and see if he needs new tubes, as well as fix any scarring in his throat due to the intubation in January where the tube was too big.......ugh, and this also means another overnight observation stay.

Well at first they were thinking of doing it all on the same day. It would make sense for most kids to do it that way. But due to Rhett's pulmonary hypertension, his heart issues, his chronic lung disease, and just the fact that he has breathing issues anytime he goes under anesthesia like that, both his ENT and neurologist thought it best that we do it two separate times so that he is not under for a prolonged period of time. See, the MRI is on the first floor, and the O.R. is on the second floor, and if they do his bronch first and the MRI is not ready for him, well then he is under for longer than he needs to be.

I am all about doing this with the least amount of risks.

Which brings me to the kicker.......oh yes, it gets better....

While Rhett is under and having the MRI on his brain anyways, they want to do a fairly new procedure where they do an MRI on his upper airway to find out exactly where he is obstructing, so we can figure out the best type of treatment for his apnea. This will tell us exactly whether or not his tonsils and adenoids are the problem, or if it is something else. That way we don't take them out, and have them cause more issues being out than being left in.

So the will do this to see exactly where he is obstructing when he is not breathing. But in the direct words of the ENT, "It will be done in a controlled enviorment where the anesthesiologist will be right there watch every little movement." Um, can I pass out now?

This all begins on December 5th when we go in for the bronchoscopy. So I have just under two weeks to be preparing myself for all of this. I am already panicking and having anxieties about it, so I am headed in to the doctor today for some xanax to get me through this.

It makes me wonder how we keep getting ourselves into these types of situations. So. if I can ask a small favor, would you please keep my little guy in your prayers, that all of this goes smoothly? There has not been one time in his two years that he has gone up to that hospital and had it easy. I just want him to be ok.

We just love this little guy so much.


Marla said...

Oh my gosh. I am feeling overwhelmed reading that I can not imagine how you are feeling. I am glad they are going to be taking care of all of these issues but it sure does sound like a lot for such a little guy. My heart goes out to you and I will be praying for you preparing, that you will be relaxed and for Rhett to be without any colds or anyting before the surgery. I bet you need a long long nap after that day!

Emily said...

Oh my goodness, my head is spinning hearing about everything your family is going through! I will send you all the positive vibes I have!

We will also be checking into PCMC on December 5th for Macy's heart surgery.

Stephanie said...

Just move here and I'll introduce you to Aiden's doctors. I'll be more at peace then.

Oh, and tell them to keep that ______ of a nurse away from my boy!

RK said...

Wow...that's alot to take in from one appointment. We'll be praying for him that these procedures are SO ridiculously smooth and uneventful.

Tweejy said...

Oh my! I will definately be praying for you and little Rhett.
Let me know if you want some company while your up at PCMC, I'm on the other side of the valley, and will gladly come and visit.

The Mom said...

Hope everything goes well Pam. It sounds like the same kind of MRI that Parker had for his upper airway testing - scary, but he came through so well - hopefully the same will be true for Rhett.

Sending prayers Rhett's way...

Sara said...

So I have a question. I am in no way a DR. but when my girls had apnea, they were given caffeine. Granted, they were preemies, but does it stop working when they get older?

<---- Just curious.

I'll be praying for your whole family. By the way, any relations in WA state?

Mayte said...

We are praying right now.

Niksmom said...

Oh my goodness! Pam, that is so much to get dealt all at once. Please know that I will keep you all in my thoughts. xoxo

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

oh girl! It's always something, isn't it? I hope you finally get a nice boring year here soon!

Anonymous said...

Praying for little Rhett!

junglemama said...

I hope the testing goes well. I just read on another blog(Shelley's)about her son going through the same testing.

Kari said...

Oh Pam I feel your fright! What alot to take in all at once. You are in my prayers and your right our situations do sound very similar. This will be Tristans first time having anestesia so yea I am terrified but going to do my best to go in with a positive attitude. BUT When you are told that your son is a "high risk" for anestetics and his breathing and heart rate are a huge concern it is a little hard to sleep at night isn't it ((HUGS)) I'll keep checking for updates and definatley will be praying for your sweet guy on Dec 5th!!!!!