Don't Ask.......
I went in the bathroom to start Rhett's bath water, get his jammies and lotion last night, and came back to this.....
I have no idea how he got like that, all I know is it took me a good 15 minutes to get him untangled, and the oxygen cord out of knots!! This was just the front part of it, you should have seen the back, this is a 50 foot oxygen cord, and he had almost all of it wrapped around him!
Yesterday we got an awesome surprise in the mail from one of our blog reading friends, Chris. Look at these CUTE books!!
Rhett LOVES the Monster one. He wouldn't let it out of his sight all night!!
Can you tell the dogs are used to getting scraps that Rhett lets "fall" from his high chair? I don't think they know what to think now that he is tube fed. The get all excited when I put him in his chair and go around in circles waiting for the food to drop. Then when he is done and I get him down they look at me like they were jipped in a MAJOR way.
And look, even our dogs pull funny faces for the camera!! It's offical I live in a Zoo, and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Hi Pam,
I'm glad to read Rhett is starting to feel better. The pictures of the O2 tangled web were funny ( for us I know but not you). Our dog favorite place is under Noah's highchair also. Nice vacuum cleaner. I'm just amazed by all the mistakes made at your hospital..pretty darn scary! Please try and have a nice weekend. Hugs to the whole flock. Terry & Noah
So glad you got the books and Rhett liked them! I may need to order the Monster book for John now :)
ROFL...sorry, I know I shouldn't but...those pictures are too funny!
BTW, I hope you don't give him a continuous feed via tube at night? These pictures are exactly why Nik doesn't get overnight feedings. We had a really bad near-strangulation scare.
Hope the videos arrived okay!
Just you have the tickle me elmo doll??? or any of the elmo dolls?
The only Elmo doll we have is the one that does that little chicken dance...."Elmo want's to be a chicken, Elmo wants to be a duck..."
Wait....we have a regular stuffed one somewhere, I think it's still packed in a bag somewhere from one of our hospital stays, I really need to dig that out......
Thanks for asking!!
Oh my goodness, Rhett was quite tangled!! I love how he is just sitting there looking all innocent, like I don't know how this happened? Funny, though I'm sure not at the time! The dogs are smart, that is a great place for them to be, wish we had some to pick up after Ella!!
I love that you captured that first photo!! Too funny...I'm sure it will bring him lots of laughter when he's older! lol!! And what a hoot that the dogs still circle the high chair! lol!!
He is SOO CUTE!!! I love the pix of him in the monkey outfit!!! The pix with the oxygen cords are cute too!!
He did get all tangled up! Too cute.
Your dogs are awesome. We live in a zoo too and I love it. I need my pets. They help me relax and not obsess so much. Are yours hound dogs?
So adorable, Pam. Rhett's looking really well! Love the updates...
Hugs from Sammi.
The tangled part.... Too Cute!! Oh I think we have the same type of dogs at our house... always hungry, despite the full bowl of "dog food". LOL!! Ours just sit there waiting to see what and when, cause they know some of it is gonna hit the floor!!! Too funny the only bad part is when we are somewhere else... then I have to clean up the mess ;)
That is too cute! Hope he didn't get it too tangled up...
He certainly looks like he knew what he was doing! I love when our kids mimick what we do! They're such little sponges! Great pictures!
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