Thursday, December 4, 2008


.....Number of times I have put the balls back on the tree just today.

.....And we've been gone 90% of the day, we're in for a loonnnnnggg holiday season.


Shari said...

Hmmmmmm...let me guess! It was a little guy whose name starts with an R! Beautiful tree! Love the white and decorations on it.

FBF Rothkopf said...

Is that really a PINK tree????



My Three Sons said...

I love the tree. My middle son Cody is jealous. His favorite color is pink and he doesn't care what anyone thinks about that!

Okay don't laugh, I'm not ready for Carson to be in my tree, so I put it up with the prelit lights on it but not one ornament is on it. But boy the white lights sure are pretty if your looking in from the street. LOL