Saturday, December 27, 2008

Faces Of The Season....

This was Hunter Christmas night after being up since 4 am Christmas morning....The kid needed some serious shut eye.......

Here is Rhett just before Christmas dinner. I told him he only got steak for dinner....(He LOATHES meats)

Here is Boo, as sweet as ever, showing off her new High School Musical outfit she got. She eats sleeps and breathes HSM.....

As always, Dakota ran from the camera....he really isn't all into having his picture taken.

This is Rhett today. He has croup and I think he may be on the verge of a sinus infection too. We are doing lots of suctioning and diaper changes as well since he **still** has the poopies. He was feverish in this picture this afternoon....

We are all running on empty here, but life goes on. What I wouldn't give to take this little guy out into the 2 feet of snow that is outside of our house right now. I know he would just love it....if only he felt better.


My Three Sons said...

Running on empty seems to be the theme these days. I know just how you feel. I will be praying hard for us to get some relief and get some rest ourselves.

Thanks for all the comments. Your thoughtfullness is something that I wish I could repay you for.

Love you guys,


Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

Sorry that you are running on empty - it sounds exhausting. The kiddos are as beautiful as ever. I hope you can be out in the snow and have some playtime soon!