Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Memo To Me:

When your son has a funky smell all day long and you can't figure out what it is....check the dressing around his G-tube site.....Lesson learned. He is fighting this infection around it, and I changed it last night, but didn't get to it this morning before we left. Generally he can go that long because it isn't leaking, and I KNOW that when I dressed him this morning it wasn't all icky because I checked it. But booooyyyyyyyyyy did he get stinky!!

We all had a wonderful time today on the Polar Express. Even with a funky smelling little boy. We left before sunrise and didn't get back home until close to 10 pm. Chloee and Andy were on the news (Fox 13) Andy was wearing his big cowboy hat, and Chloee was in her red jammies with snowflakes on them.

Did anyone see them?

If they post it on their website I'll link to it. Rhett had a blast and I have cute videos of him. Even Hunter and Dakota had fun. KBER 101 did an awesome job putting it all together. It will be a day we will never forget.

Sorry I don't have any pictures today, I am too tired to download them, but I will get them up tomorrow. I still need to post picts of me and my new do since Chloee and I both whacked all of our hair off. :)

I donated mine to Locks of Love.

Anyhow, I can't keep my eyeballs open anymore. They feel like they are on fire. Until tomorrow...Night All.......


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pictures of today, and your new hair! I'm glad you guys all got to go today, and had a good time! It sounds like fun, tell us more about it! I hope your local news puts the story on the net, so you can share it.

(Am I using too many explanation points lately?!?! lol)

T or Tonya

Auhdrur said...

Hey, What about me mom was I on the news???

Teddybear said...

I can not wait until you get to post the pictures. Sounds like you had fun. I'm sorry for not seeing you on the news but I don't get Fox 13 here.

Glad everyone enjoyed themselves. Love Deb