Friday, January 2, 2009

New Blog Link.....

Okay, so when this blog goes private, we are going to have a new blog. Here is the link to our new family blog that will stay public.


Also, I can only have 100 people to invite, and I must admit that I didn't know how many people out there read Rhett's blog.

So here's the deal. If you have been a lurker, and we don't "Know" you then please don't feel bad if you don't get an invite. The whole reason we are doing this is so that only people we don't "know" aren't reading the blog for the next few months.

But, here's the thing. With the new BIRD FLOCKblog I will be updating it more than this one anyways.

HAVE NO FEAR.....You will still get Rhett fixes. I promise. I will still update on his health and our trails and everything else in between.

So will you please update your link lists that go to Rhett's Journey so that people can find us? Even if you keep the title Rhett's Journey and just change it so it links to THE BIRD FLOCK I would appreciate it. I will leave this blog open until Monday night and it will then go private.

Also leave me a comment on our new blog HERE

Thanks a Million!!


Ally in Wonderland said...

Oh wow! I have been unusually absent from the blog world, so I didn't find out about this until just now. I hope everything works out well and I'll see you at the Bird Flock blog!

Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

I just read your blog and was immediately attached to your journey. I will pray for your family's health and new home. You are a courageous mom and I think your blog should be read by more women who don't know what REAL people are going through. Much love to you! And happy new year too, it's going to be!
I found you on cjane btw.

Em said...

My sister-in-law is the one with the Elacare. I know she would love to give it away so I will call her and let her know.

The Bryant Family said...

Please add me to the safe list. i guess i missed out on why you are going private? i will also add the new button so I can still follow Rhett.

Crystal said...

Hey Pam... If you still have slots, send me an invite. I can't get enough of Rhett!

Anonymous said...

Pam please add me to your list of friends. I have followed you from the PH site and love reading your blogs.