Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Am So Lucky.....

Today Rhett got the chance to be a greeter at the Cooper Bowden Memorial Golf Tournament. Little Cooper passed away shortly after he was born, and he shared some things with Rhett. Mainly his Extra Chromosome and heart defect. I did not know his parents until today, but I can tell you that they are amazing people. All of the net proceeds from this tournament went to the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation.

Rhett had a blast, he was the center of attention, and got to have his picture taken a total of 22 different times with all of the teams. Most of them he was probably crawling away, but everyone got a kick out of him anyways.

I must admit that I was a little worried about taking him, yesterday was not the best of days for him, he had a fever, goopy ears, and well, lets just say that I changed about 18 diapers between 4 am and 11 am on Friday morning. ICK.....

Today however was a new day, and Rhett woke up this morning happy as could be. So we went. I am so glad we did too. I don't think we could have planned for a better day. Being there made me realize how lucky I am.

Rhett may have some issues, and our lives may be really hard right now. But that all seems so trivial when I think about the fact that I have met many families since we started this journey with Rhett, who have lost their little ones all too soon.

I am so blessed to be able to tucky taco my kids in to bed each night, I am so lucky to be able to put my nose in the crook of Rhett's neck and smell that beautiful little boy smell that only a two year old can have. I am so lucky to get to hear his cute little giggle when you eat his tummy, and tickle his armpits. I get to wake up each morning to the sweetest sound of a little boy singing to himself until I go in and get him. Then I am met with those sparkling blue eyes, and that gorgeous smile, as he waves at me and says in his most enthusiastic voice....."Aaaayyeeeee!" (Hi)

Really, life does not get any better than this. Family is what life is all about.


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

So happy he was able to be the center of attention.

Those losses sure do put it all into perspective, doesn't it?

Kei said...

So happy to hear Rhett is feeling better. No surprise that he was the center of attention.

Life does not get any better than this... and yet, each day seem to add just a little more, like this endless supply that shows itself a little more each day.

Hugs, Kei

Emily said...

I am glad that you were able to go to Cooper's memorial tournament. I sort of "met" Chelsea through downsyn and was so sad to hear that baby Cooper did not make it. It truly amazes me that after going through such a difficult loss they were able to put together an event to benefit others. BRAVO to them!