Still waiting.........
So we went and to the Dr. and his Dr. was just as stumped as we were. He could see that something is not right with our little fella, so he sent us over to the hospital to get some blood work done. So now we are waiting for the results.
If they don't light up any light bulbs in our heads, then we are going to head up to the ER at PCMC, for testing and to see the cardiologist and ENT. I don't get why he is just bouncing off of things like a pinball machine.
He is falling so much when he tries to walk. Last night just after he got out of the tub he fell into the knob on his dresser, and hurt his eye. Now today that same eye is all goobery and draining green gunk. I had to pry it open with a warm wet washcloth this morning.
Anyways, this picture shows how much weight he has lost. He used to have a big buddha belly, and now his tummy is sunken in, especially just below his rib cage....
This is his poor little eye after his bath. But do you see what he is eating? Trix. That's one of the only things he will take by mouth. Hey, Trix are for Kids right?
I will post an update when we know anything. Still not much of a change though. He went to bed at 9 pm last night and I finally went in and woke him up at 10:30 this morning. He didn't budge all night.
I am really praying that we don't have to drive up to PCMC until at least Monday. We are negative already in our funds, and I don't feel like packing Rhett with his oxygen and everything else into the grocery store to the Coin Star machine just to get a little money for gas.
Andy doesn't get paid untill monday, so PLEASE pray that this is something that we can treat down here and not up at the hospital.
Well it looks like we are off to the hospital. The labwork came back okay other than high liver enzymes. Which is enough to alarm the doctor and we are being sent up to PCMC.
I have no idea what this means, but I am packing an overnight bag just in case. Still no change other than he ate some green beans for lunch.
I was able to sneak out and leave him with my sister while I went to Hunter's program at school. It was good to get away, but I was freaking out the whole time I was there waiting for the results. I got the call at the very end of the program.
I will post some video of Hunter later.
So off we go.........
I pray that things get figured out really soon. It must be driving you crazy not knowing what is going on with your baby. About feeling bad about the surgery...IF it is what is causing his health to be this way you can NOT blame yourself. You were only doing what you feel he needed. I am going through the same thing right now with Ava. They said that a g-tube and fundo should not set her back, but...
I know that God is watching over the both of them. Hang in there and hopefully you will get answers soon. Take care. I am always thinking of you guys.
Oh Pam :( My heart just breaks looking at such a sad Rhett. I hope they are able to figure out what is going on TODAY and the remedy is quick and easy, and doesn't result in a long drive for you.
Prayers from me headed your way.
Not only am I praying,I am sending it out wherever I can:
Can you CALL the cardiologist and the ENT before you have to make the trip to the hospital? Tell the person on the phone that you MUST speak with the doctor today.
I'm so sorry that your poor little guy is having such a tough time right now! I want to see that wonderful grin of his come back - poor baby! Praying that he starts doing well so that you don't have to travel.
We are rallying for you here in WI-I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes right now seeing his sweet face looking so down & out. I look at my Wyatt and almost feel guilty that he is thriving and your poor little camper is a hurtin' unit...what makes it so hard is that lack of ability to fully communicate their needs and have them be able to say what is wrong. The Lord is on your side even though it might not feel like he is. I will watch your site for more info..Jayne
I am so sorry Rhett isn't doing well. You are all in my prayers! Good luck!
Elevated liver enzymes can be no big deal, depending on how elevated they are. My daughter has had liver enzymes that were 4 or 5 times normal and it was just because of a cold or virus.
So that alone isn't alarming unless they are outrageously high like 30 times normal.
Good luck.
I agree you need to get a hold of the doctors soon,today, your poor little Rhett looks so sick! I am sending prayers in you direction, I wish I was in the position to help you out with more then just prayers but I will pray for that too. Stay strong, I know that this must be very hard on you as well, you are in my prayers! I really hope that you get some answers soon!
-Caralee Baker
awwww nuts! I was hoping you wouldn't have to take him in so soon.
Hugs & prayers my friend.
I'm so sorry Hun. Hang in there your in my thoughts and prayers (((HUGS)))
Hugs to Rhett!!!!! Lots of them! I'm checking your blog and T21 frequently for updates and am hoping for all the best for the little guy. I hope you guys get some real answers soon and can help him back to recovery!
The Bird flock continues to be in my thoughts and prayers daily.
I find myself in awe and much more aware of T21 now that I have been introduced to dear Rhett's blog and am trying to find ways to volunteer at the Buddy Walk and other T21 organizations.
If it weren't for this blog and sweet little Rhett, I'd still be in the dark.
I hope and pray you find some answers soon. All my best- A Rhett fan in AZ.
I am so glad you are heading to the hospital. I am praying for Rhett. Dont give up until they run everything they can Pam. Figure out what is going on and why he is so lifeless. Be strong and god bless you!!!
Oh Pam, I am so sorry that you havent had a break. We will pray for you, as always, and send all of our positivity your way.
Tami and Thatcher
You know I'm keeping you all in my prayers and in my heart. Good luck at the hospital. xoxo
I'm glad you are heading to the hospital so he can get all checked out and you can hopefully gain some piece of mind. We're praying!
oh....Pam....sending you lots of love.
Here is sending more prayers your way as Rhett has to deal with these hard times. I found your blog through a blog then another blog and so on. Just wanted to ket you know that I made a small donation that I hope can only help with gas. Most importantly I will keep your family in my prayers. Read our lacking blog to find out more about us :)
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