Friday, October 10, 2008

Going to Put On My Big Girl Panties Today....

And totally clean my house, help the kids with their home work, do the laundry, and make dinner.....maybe I could roast a bearded dragon or a snake or two, you know since that's all we have to eat around here.....(Andy this is funny come on!!)

I don't care if my kids can't go play today, it's time to get our lives back in order so that we can be a family again. After all, "We're All In This Together"...<----totally singing High School Musical here.....

Did I mention that our boxes aren't even all unpacked from when we moved? I know, I should be drug out into the street and ran over. But it's all those boxes that you throw stuff in at the last minute, that could probably be thrown away, but you figure, eh I'll just sort though it later. Only to find that same box tucked away in your garage 5 years later with dead bugs in it, and you end up throwing it away anyways. Oh come on, you all know what I am talking about.

It's going to be a rough few days at our house, and my kids are totally going to hate me, but it's okay. Come Sunday we are going to PART-AY!!

Oh, and if PCMC's billing department calls me one more time today, (we are on call #6 so far.....) I am totally going to send them monopoly money for the price of Rhett's recent hospital stay.......

I'm feeling naughty....


Anonymous said...

oh, you should so do that monopoly money thing!

it just burns me so to hear about what you have to go through - i realize that the people who are calling you are "just doing their jobs", but you should never be on their list in the first place!

glad rhett is home. hope his belated birthday is fun!

do you have called ID on your phone? i'd just stop answering for a while....

debbie and binny

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

OK, what HAVE you been wearing?! Maybe this will make you feel better - I have unpacked boxes from moving at Christmastime 2006!! Best wishes on getting your act together. By the way, I posted a photo of Ralphie watching Signing Time. He is a total zombie, but his hands never stop moving!!!

Leah Spring said...

ROFL I vote for monopoly money too! It would be very cathartic, don't you think? And, I bet whoever opens that envelope will get their first laugh in a month! Oh, and boxes? Let me tell ya about boxes.....