Friday, October 24, 2008

Watch Out World......

Chloee is in the 1st grade.

Fact: She should probably be in second, or maybe even third.

We had SEP conferences, which is the new fancy way of saying Parent Teacher Conferences I guess.

So we sat and visited with her teacher last night. He is such an amazing teacher. We really like him. He has this uncanny ability to have every single one of those kids eating out of his hands at all times. Everyone wants to be in his class because he is cool, and funny, and the whole school loves him.

Well, Chloee was lucky enough to get to be in his class. So I was super happy to hear how well she is doing. You know, coming from the coolest teacher in the school.

She is WAAAAAYYY above average on her reading skills. So much that he told me to quit buying her small picture books and make her start reading chapter books, like Junie B Jones and such.

Wow, okay, can do....

Then we talked about math, and spelling, and sight words. She knows all of the sight words, so he sent home a list of challenge words. I had her read them this morning and she knows all of those too, and can spell each of them.

The only thing she needs to work on is her handwriting. She hurries through her work so fast that she gets a little sloppy. Ah, no patience just like her father.

He said that she is one of those kids where you look at her and wish that ALL of the kids in the class were like her.

We also met with Hunter's teacher, and she said that Hunter is doing amazing as well. She loves having him in her class.

Yesterday Andy took some of the bearded dragons, and our monitor to class for Show and Tell, and then they wrote stories about monsters afterwards. Hunter was super excited that he was the star of the day, and everyone wanted to be there asking him questions and saying that he must have a cool mom to let him keep them. Their moms wouldn't ever let them have anything like that.

So just in case you were wondering, I have officially reached the "cool mom" status. I wonder if I get an award for that or something?

It's nice to go into these conferences with the two middle ones and know that they don't have to fight for everything they do. That even though our lives have been a roller coaster these past few years, they are still excelling.

Dakota and Rhett have to fight for everything they learn and do. It doesn't come easy to them. I think we have the perfect balance in our home, and I feel like once Dakota starts with home school and the social pressures are off of him, he will do fantastic. I think that's one of his biggest set backs. He is such a good kid, and I am so proud of him fighting for so long.

There comes a time when you must face change, and with Dakota I feel like now is that time.

As far as Rhett, we just keep pushing forward. He amazes me every day. His newest thing instead of signing yes or no, is saying "Uh-uh" for no, and "Kay" for yes.

Life is a beautiful thing. Something to just take day by day and love every minute of it.


Niksmom said...

Ahem...pardon me, there must be something in my eye; it seems to be watery.

It is so wonderful to read this and know that you have such a rich blend in your family and so much room in your heart for all of it.

BTW, check your email for something I think you can use...

RK said...

Keep bragging, cool mom! 4 great kids is no small thing. :o)

AZ Chapman said...

You get the best of both worlds how is homeschooling going I want to be home schooled are y still thinking about moving to north ca?

Chris said...

Hey, proud mama, I may have some Junie B. Jones books my girls have finished with. Want me to send them to your little bookworm?

Unknown said...

Congrats on the great reports!!

My Three Sons said...

You have won the "ccol mom award" from me.

I have a really close friend that home schools her 6 kids and the oldest one actually does some sort of on-line class with Northwest Missouri College. I don't know what the requirements are but if you want, call me and I will get you in touch with Kenda. I don't think home schooling between states are all that different. I know there are state guidelines but other than that, I'm sure there are similiarities as well.

Glad to see Chloe and Hunter got such good feedback from their teachers. Way to go kids, and way to go mommy! Your the one that instilled the importance of learning to your children so you should get some credit as well.

Have a great weekend!